Experimental quilting

I had all of the ditch quilting done, hadn't decided how to quilt the borders, and then decided to use a double needle and 2 different colors of purple thread. After I quilted the borders I decided to just experiment with the double needle stitching in other places. When I finished I was sure I had ruined it and then I took it to the ironing board and steam pressed from the back. Well now it was not too bad, certainly not a winner in anyone's book but passable.I quilted in a spiral formation in this block.
I stitched through the narrow bands in the piecing in 2 different directions.
I have started hand stitching the binding (bottom of top picture). I'll show the whole picture tomorrow when the binding is done.
I got the back of a twin size quilt sewn together yesterday and will quilt that today. We're back in the deep freeze outside so it will be a good day to quilt.