First full week of Jan. - 2.5 finishes

The binding is on, the hanging sleeve and label are on. It is an official finish.Yesterday morning I took a photo with the light from the window coming across it so you can see the quilting better. I found about 3 places I still needed to quilt when I did this.
I flipped it over and took a picture of the back. I wish I had used a busier plaid on the back now. All of the little tie offs show when I was using a different color thread on top. I had over 50 tie offs on this one so I wasn't going to tie by hand and bury the threads. In fact I rarely do that. I think that should be reserved for show quilts. (Just my opinion. I know some of you do it ALL of the time.)

Here are my 2.5 finishes piled on the sewing cabinet. I figure if I get my 4 finishes for the month done in the first 10 days, then I have 21 days to start a couple new projects (the stripe blocks are first!) and maybe get borders sewn onto some of the tops that were on hangers in previously posted pictures. I know there are all kinds of theories on whether you should do the hardest/longest project first and then everything that follows is easier and faster OR get some instant gratification and do the small projects first. With a short attention span I chose the second choice. It gets me motivated to see several things done instead of just one thing.