#3 done, #4 needs binding

I haven't come up with a name for this one yet, so it is just purple and coral right now. I finished the binding at 11:30 last night. I left the picture a little bigger this time so when you click on it you might be able to see the quilting.The back, showing the back of the double needle stitching. A close up picture is next.
The back of double needle stitching looks like a zig zag. The reason I didn't get the binding done earlier is because I quilted a twin size quilt in the afternoon. In less time than it would take to baste it, I loaded it and quilted it in one direction, then took it off, and turned it the other direction and quilted it some more.
Here is some more of the wavy line, with and without loops. On my tombstone it will probably say "She couldn't quilt a straight line" but it is really "she wouldn't quilt a straight line". Here is another close up. This picture was taken after I quilted one of the cross lines. I only did the cross lines across the 4 patches, not through the plain squares so it made rectangles. I will take a picture when I get the binding sewn on. If you want to see the completed top, it is on this post.