Am I done yet?

I cut some more stripes and made a few more blocks. I think this one is almost done. I really don't want a large quilt of it. I think it is more interesting as a small piece. I'll make at least one more medium size square and a few more small ones for variety.I have cut up about half of the strips that are sewn together for this next one. That means it might end up about twice this size. I think the blocks are 8" so right now it is only 24" x 32". It is all still just loose triangles on the design wall so I can play with the arrangement some more.
While I watched 3 programs on TV last night I quilted this table runner. I made the top about 3 years ago. I used fusible batting again (Hobbs Heirloom fusible) so the layers stayed together well while I quilted back and forth across the width. I'm going to use the black with white dots that is laying under it for the binding.

I had to do some paperwork for my 96 year old dad yesterday to finish up my mother's estate. It was warm enough that I could take him to the bank for the guaranteed signature that was required. He hasn't been going out much in the last few months. He prefers we bring in the evening meal 2 times a week instead of going out to a restaurant. I'm happy with that too. Then I don't have to sit near a bunch of coughing and sneezing people. I haven't had a cold for almost 7 years now, ever since I started drinking my healthy smoothie in the morning with my Cheerios and cashews. I hope my luck holds up for some more healthy years.