Smoothie facts.

Thanks for all of the positive comments about routine. Anyone who gets migraines especially understands routine; meals at fairly regular intervals, going to bed and rising at similar times each day, etc. Some people don't understand it and have made fun of me, but then they didn't have to suffer the pain of the headaches for all of those years.
Here are the ingredients and the calories for each, per your questions yesterday: Light Vanilla soy milk 1/2 cup = 40 calories
1/2 large banana or 3/4 med to small banana = 65 calories
5-8 frozen strawberries = 25 calories
1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries = 35 calories
High pulp orange juice 1/2 cup = 55 calories
for a total of 220 calories. Add to that 1/2 cup Cheerios = 50 calories and 11 cashews + 85 calories for a grand total of 355 calories for breakfast that is high in antioxidants. I started this as my routine breakfast in April, 2003 and have only missed it about 5 days in all of that time. I would like to think this is why I haven't had a cold for that length of time, but maybe I'm just lucky so far.

In the 1960's metal trivets were a big part of our kitchen decorating. They were originally made of iron but the ones we used were cast from aluminum at a local foundry. They were much lighter weight. I was looking for something yesterday and ran across this one, the only one I saved. I love the verse on it.

My Mother has no change in the blocked artery in her eye so we don't have to travel that distance for a year now. I am happy that we don't have to go over there in winter weather. Her back pain was so bad that we used her wheelchair to get her into Baker's Square because the walk from their parking lot is really long. And we did get to bring home pieces of pie. The gift cards are used up now.