Dotty done

I spent most of the day yesterday vacuuming the basement and I doubt if you want to see a picture of my vacuum cleaner or my feet moving to keep up with it. Thursday night's Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice were re-run on TV last night and I was glad I didn't have to watch them on my computer monitor. While I watched them I cut and sewed the binding for the dotty tablerunner and hand sewed the back of the binding. This one is 15.5" x 29".The camera lens curves the top and bottom edges when in real life they are straight. I took the pictures by laying it on the hardwood floor at my feet. I think I get straighter pictures when I pin it on a design wall and step back to take the picture.
Today I have 2 batches of cookies to bake and some last minute straightening up in the basement to prepare for the art quilters tomorrow. It looks like we will have good weather.