Argyle quilt

The top is all sewn together except for corner triangles.............
I think this quilt will go on one of the twin beds in my house. It should look good in either the yellow room or the pinky/purple room. I finished sewing about 9 p.m. and was too tired to look for the corner fabric.
I spent part of the afternoon drastically pruning my weigela bushes. We only have 2 more free brush pick-ups before winter and I have a lot of volunteer redbuds to cut down in addition to the trimming of the bushes. I am going to take the bushes all the way down to about 24" from the ground. If they make it OK, and if they don't I'll dig out the roots next year. I'm tired of bushes 2 feet taller than me. My rose of sharons are getting whacked too.
My dad goes in for his heart ultrasound and chemical stress test this morning. He is not in any pain with the hernia so my brothers and I are against the surgery. I don't want a bedridden total stranger for a dad when I can have one who gets around with a cane and still has some of his memory. I have checked into recovery time for 4" incision/mesh hernia surgery and it is a minimum of 3 weeks and maybe up to 3 months. For a 95 year old, who knows.