A few more blues

I sewed the strip set on the right last night. I found the turquoise set at the bottom and the blue set angled to the left and above it in the box with strips waiting to be sewn. I like it when I find bonuses. I need to continue cutting blues today. I had just finished showering and combing my hair when I got a phone call saying my mother had fallen but they were worried about my dad who was extremely upset. I got dressed and got over there in about 10 min. and my neighbor who works there met me at the door and said they were ok and that she was joking with them and had them laughing and she said to just go back home. We are a family with very strong bones, so all Mother had was a rug burn on her knee. I was more worried about her twisting her back which is her worst problem.

The reason my dad is upset in situations like that is that he is frustrated that he can't do things for her like he used to. He is unsteady on his feet too so he couldn't get her up and had to call for help. He knows that it is his job to take care of her and he feels failure and frustration. The lady who called knew he would be ok if he saw me there. Luckily they were able to go on with their morning as usual. Now I have calmed down too and I'm on call..............