Morning routine

When I retired from my job, I didn't have a routine any more. Now that I am blogging I do again. Some people have asked me why I blog every day, and isn't it an inconvenience. My answer is no, it is part of my morning routine, which I needed again.

The morning starts with my shower and dressing, then breakfast, the same thing every single day. Here is my breakfast smoothie before mixing....
being mixed.......
and ready to drink with my vitamins and supplements and Cheerios. I end my breakfast with a handful of cashews. One of my supplements is absorbed better with food with fat in it. I also found out later that cashews are a good source of zinc and I haven't had a cold for 5 and a half years so I guess it works.
Then I am ready to go to my blog and post some photos. I love photos, don't you? Below is my messy work space last night when I was ready to turn off the lights.
Below are 2 more embroideries. I took this photo with the macro setting and I don't like the way it distorts the grain of the fabric. It didn't look this way in my photo software. I do like the rose and the calla lily though.
Today is my mother's eye appt. at the IL Retinal Clinic about 25 miles from here. We will eat at Baker's Square before the appointment to use up some gift cards they got for Christmas. I hope there is enough money for a piece of pie to bring home......