Embroidered blocks

While I was cutting this quilt, I also cut 5.5" squares to do another quilt. I am embroidering one color designs on a mottled coral colored fabric to appear here and there in the quilt.

My eyes were tired after all of the bright lights that were directed into them yesterday at my annual exam so I didn't get too ambitious for the rest of the day.
I did get outside to take another picture of a butterfly. This time I noticed that it has a pink outline and pink legs and a green eye. If I ever do fantasy butterflies in a quilt, I have a lot more ideas for colors than I had before.
Here are 2 of the ground covers in my front flower bed. They are taking over a whole section so I need to go out and dig as soon as it dries up a little bit more.
We have sunshine this morning and a promise of warm temperatures by afternoon. It was in the 50's this morning.