Details, photography..........

My daughter and I have spent hours measuring, photographing, writing descriptions, etc.  This pile is waiting to be photographed.  She is setting up the new website because I don't have a clue how to do that.  

I'm going back over all of the quilts and taking detail shots and making sure there are labels on most things.  I don't usually label baby quilts or table runners.

A few more days and we hope we are ready to show it to all of you.

I'm going to add this notice to the bottom of every post for a few days.  I realize that cellphone readers don't see my sidebar unless they click on "view web version" so they would miss the opportunity to sign up.

Take a look at the new sign up form on the right side bar of my blog (or click on the link).  I'll be opening a new online store soon and will be offering quilts, quilt tops, fabric kits and more.  I'd love for you to be first in line when the store opens.