Star progress..........

I sewed the block I designed on Thursday and designed and sewed another one.  It is hard to tell that they are the same block when they look so different.  Changing the position of the values makes all the difference.
One more got designed but not sewn.  I spent most of the day processing the sales of my batik kits, packaging and mailing a few. 

A lot of NO REPLY people have asked about fertilizing Christmas cactus since I mentioned it a few days ago.  I am no expert.  I get all of my information by doing a search on the internet.  I usually do a new search each spring to see if there is any new info out there.  I have a lot of blooms because I have a lot of plants, 28 of them.  The blooms aren't due to my expert growing skills.  I also had 3 die this winter and I can't figure out what went wrong with them.  So, my suggestion is that you do a search too and you will find out all kinds of interesting facts about the Christmas and Easter cacti.