September recap...........

I did it!  I finished this 33" wallhanging.  I did use the stripe that I showed yesterday as the binding.  It is the first finish since April.  

I didn't even make any quilt tops in September.  I started one.........

The only other finishes were the Dr. Seuss pillowcase and tote bag for my great-grandson shown on this post
Here is a closeup of the binding on the only part of the wallhanging where it contrasts.  It blends into all of the other colors touching the sides.

I worked on the Kaffe Fassett fabric catalog (page on my right sidebar) and got up to #100.  I have 53 to go and now the new fall 2016 fabrics will be shipping on Monday.  I haven't checked to see what the numbers are.

Our last free brush pick up is next Monday so I have been working on the last trimming and cutting volunteer trees for the year.  I'm happy with the amount of garden and yard work I did this summer, way more than I usually do.  I have a little more digging to do next week and then I think I'm done until spring.