A break from pink..........

Saturday night I decided I needed to play with a colorwash of sorts.  I wanted this one to be splotches of color not necessarily blending into each other.  I found this very hard since I can do the blend so well if they are in color wheel order.

I got this far Sunday afternoon and I wasn't totally happy with it but I was going to sew it together.

When I went back down to the basement last night to look at it i decided it needed one more row of squares on the left and top.  I also changed 2 pieces at the bottom of the red-purple section.  Since I have church sewing circle today I won't get it sewn right away and that will give me time to decide if I'm happy with it.
In the garden a few of the Hostas are blooming.  The flowers on some are ho-hum but I like this one.

This blue leaf Hosta has neat flowers too.  I have one variety that doesn't bloom until the end of August so it is a little at a time with the large variety of Hostas that I have.