May 2015 recap.........

I had just one complete finish for May, a 40" wallhanging.

I completed 2 quilt tops, one 80" x 96" and the other 40" x 58".

I knitted three dish cloths.

Other than that I dug up and split hostas and shared them with 7 people.  Dug out huge weeds and cut volunteer trees and other various clean up tasks.  Mowed the grass several times.  Built a raised bed and filled it with 10 bags of topsoil and potting soil and planted tomato plants.  It's that time of year for a little outside fun too.
Here is a larger shot of the finished quilt top.  After I finished sewing it I see a couple places I would like to move a piece but I'll look at it for a couple days before I decide if I need to unsew.  

This one was a little trickier to sew since the seams don't line up straight across.  I brought two rows at a time to the machine and turned the tops of the rows to the left.  I had a little plastic clip clipped onto the left edge of the top piece on odd numbered rows.  The odd number pile was placed at the left of my machine and the even number pile was placed at the right of the machine.

Then I sewed the seams of both rows, cut off the one in the back and brought it to the front for the next piece to be added.  I just had to be sure that I always added a piece from the left pile when sewing onto the strip with the plastic clip.  The right pile pieces were added to the strip without the clip.  It takes concentration.  (I only made one mistake in 20 rows.)  Then I sewed the first 2 rows together and as I finished the next set of 2 I added them to the first 2, and continued on until I had all 20 rows sewn together.