This is the photo from Monday on the left and then one I took yesterday afternoon when I decided it is ready to sew. I smoothed out the light center and then removed one row on the right side and reconfigured the remaining last row. It was 20 rows tall and 21 rows wide and I wanted this one to be square. I also worked over the area just below the light area where it is light blue and pink. I decided it is ready to sew and then I changed 2 more pieces last night but didn't take another photo.
The bush with pale pink blossoms isn't as full of buds but it will be in full bloom in a few days too. My red one blooms later.
The striped Jack in the Pulpit is shorter than normal but starting to bloom. I had the camera almost at ground level to get this shot.
I haven't mentioned my 98 yr. old dad lately so here is what is going on. He fell twice in the bathroom 2 weeks ago. The first time he just hit his hand but didn't get hurt otherwise. The second time he scraped the top of his head and bumped his hand again and it swelled up but he said it didn't hurt. Then Monday morning they called and said he had a restless night and they thought he had a TIA at the breakfast table. When I visited him yesterday he knew who I was but he was rambling about all kinds of things and rhyming, toes and nose, and all kinds of other things. He usually bounces back so it is a wait and see thing all the time. There are only 2 other residents at the assisted living house right now so he gets a lot of attention.