Triangles again

I had 4 students in the finishing class and I forgot to take my camera.  Two of them were working on binding, one did the layout for her Bento Box quilt and got the rows all sewn in one direction.  The fourth lady was working on a log cabin quilt from a class I taught many years ago.  During all of this I had to deal with calling the Dr. office to get the results of my Dad's blood test and find out if his prescription had been called in.  My battery died on my cell phone and I missed the call and then got a recording when I did call her back.  I began panicking at this time whether the prescription would be called in before office hours were over and it was very important that Dad have a pill for yesterday.  It all ended OK but I was totally worn out from the stress.  I did get more triangles sewn into blocks and also turned on the iron and carried the blocks 4 at a time to press them since I had only been fingernail pressing up until this point.  I cut 2 edge triangles last night and will get the rest cut today.