Final layout, trimming squares

I finished cutting triangles and got all of them sewn into squares.  I had hoped to show a picture of it sewn together but I decided to take the time to trim each square first.  They were 6.5" squares cut diagonally and then sewn which means they came out at 6.125" square.
You can see how little there is to trim but I think it will be a neater quilt if I take the time to do this.

The reason I was so upset Thursday about the prescription fiasco is because I support the local independent pharmacy which closes at 6 p.m., not the all night place (chain) where I need not worry if I can get there on time.  Also the Dr. office where my dad's primary Dr. is says they are open until 6 when in fact they close early every day that they don't have appointments late in the day.  That makes it pretty 'iffy' whether you will connect with everyone in time.