In the morning and early afternoon I gathered some of the quilts that will be shown at my guild presentation Monday night here in Sandwich, IL.  The topic is scrap quilts and I have 30 quilts piled up here.  I have another 15 quilt tops on my list to show and talk about.

In the afternoon and into the evening I sewed more triangles into squares, another 2.3 rows to be exact.  I still haven't cut the rest of the triangles.  I might get a chance later today after I teach a finishing class.

Here is the backyard scene yesterday at lunch time: 2 sparrows on the feeder, a cardinal and a squirrel underneath.  My garden is getting tall and lush.  We got some heavy rain last night so I expect it will shoot up some more.  There are some buds on my peonies on the right too.  I thought they might bloom early with the hot weather we had in April but now we have had a cool week so they seem to be on their regular schedule of blooming near Memorial Day.  I have about 35 peony bushes that bloom over a 3 week period.