The post is dedicated to Suzy Homemaker.......

If you read my blog every day you might remember the humongous pile of scraps on my sewing table as I was creating the string pieced blocks that I have shown the last few days. I mentioned that Suzy Homemaker would have a fit if she saw the mess but I wasn't related to her so it didn't matter. Well.........she called me last night (Hi Sue!) and let me know I was right, she had a fit! I decided to show her I really can clean up. Last night I took most of the little bits that were left after all of that piecing and sewed them into strips. They haven't been trimmed straight yet.Here they are on the cutting mat so you can see how tiny the pieces are. The whole strip is a little over 11" long. Below them at the left are some tiny squares less than 1" that will probably get tossed. The rest of the usable ones are stacked there too.
I piled all of the leftover strips together...............
and bagged all of the strips 1" wide and narrower in one bag and the 1/8 yard and other chunks in another bag. All of the Kaffe scraps now fit in one of those zippered bags that you buy twin sheet sets in. They were previously in a huge blanket zippered bag but I used most of them in the last project.
And so you see Suzy, I can clean up my mess and I dusted off the table and oiled my machine, so there!!!I may toss the bag of strips 1" wide or narrower because most of them are about 3/4" wide which ends up being a 1/4" strip in a project. I really need to draw the line somewhere since I have all of that yardage sitting on the shelves waiting to be used.