Tiny bits

I cut sashing and borders for the little bits strips after I trimmed them as straight as I could. The narrow ones were hard to keep straight and ended up a little crooked in the final piece. It is 14.5" x 17.25".
If it becomes a wall piece, I don't know which way it should be, vertical or horizontal.Since it is the size of a placemat, I could just lay it on the table and not worry about it. I would use it as a table centerpiece, not a placemat. That was the last of one of my favorite purple batiks that I bordered it with. I had to hold my self back from searching the Internet to see if I can get any more of it. Surely I should use some of the fabric I have first. Fabric collectors anonymous, do you have any meetings in my area? My name is Wanda and I have a problem...............

We had a little earthquake here in northern IL yesterday morning at 4. I woke up and looked at the clock but didn't know what had awakened me. I heard a noise that I thought was a loud truck with the engine running and I wondered who was in my driveway or in the street out front. I went back to sleep and when the radio came on at 6:30 they were talking about it. My brother was awake and heard his house shaking and rattling.
Several people yesterday suggested using the narrow strips to stuff dog cushions. All of the dogs in my extended family are chewers and would have a great time ripping open the cushion and shaking the contents all over their house. We had a dog once that tore open a pillow and it was stuffed with the foam crumbles. He was closed in a bedroom while we were gone. When we opened the door, there was foam everywhere and all you could do is laugh at how far he could fling the foam while he shook the pillow.