Still counting

After pulling the Blooming 9 patch (link in yesterday's post) out of my storage box of quilt tops and seeing how wrinkled it was, I am determined to get all of the tops up on hangers. All of these have been on hangers all along, all 21 of them You can see I have found some batting pieces for a few of them on the right in the picture.I'm working on that list of priorities for next year too. Hopefully at least half of my UFO's will be finished in 2010. There are at least 10 more in the storage box.

I got about half of the big Blooming 9 patch quilted and hope to finish it today. I don't party on New Year's Eve, I sew. That's my kind of party.

My brother had my new battery in my van by 2:30 yesterday so I still had time to run errands before we took pizza to Dad's apt. last evening. There were snow showers off and on most of the day but it hasn't amounted to much on the ground. I decided not to go to the movie theater and have the car coated though. I can go next week.