Trying to finish another

Last night I decided I would check out the temperature outside by driving down to the grocery store and if it wasn't too bad, I would go to see a movie at our local theater. I didn't think it felt too bad, even for 17 degrees so I went home and put away my groceries and went back out to my van to leave. The battery was dead! I guess it's a good thing I didn't get there and find it dead when I came out of the theater. My brother is an auto repair guy so he will bring me a new battery later today. My van will be 6 years old in April so I guess I did pretty well on the first battery.

As long as I was home for the evening I decided to finish this quilt top. All it needed was the 4 corner triangles. Rather than spend the time looking for the rest of the pansy fabric, I used 4 leftover setting triangles on the corners. The outside edges are bias on them so I am going to leave them oversized until the quilting is done and trim them when I trim the edges.

I had purchased 8.5 yards of this yellow fabric when a quilt shop was going out of business and having their sale. I had the fabric wrapped on a bolt board so there was minimal pressing needed on it. I got the 3 pieces sewn together and pressed.
Since I will be home all morning I might as well keep working on it.