This pattern originally came out in a quilt book in the mid 1990's from That Patchwork Place and if my memory is right they called the pattern Tribble Trouble. The book (don't remember the name) has been discontinued and now I see the pattern in several other publications. This is the book I worked out of for my flannel version.
You start out cutting squares, then cutting them in half diagonally, and then sewing lights and darks together to make blocks. The same light fabric is used throughout the quilt.
Then the block is sliced into 4 equal parts. (So you want a size easily divisible by 4, like 8")
Next the pieces are placed in reverse order from left to right and a strip of the darker fabric is placed at the left to finish the block. You will be using 5 different dark plaids in a block so you do a lot of cutting before you choose groups for the blocks. I just cut one block for this tutorial.
You can see in the picture that they extended half blocks into the border. I made one just like the book but since I am out of my background fabric I can't do that on the one I am making now. It will just have traditional borders to finish it into the size I want.
To answer some questions about the curtain grommets in the purse/tote yesterday, yes they are plastic and you snap them together with your fingers, no tools needed. They come in many different finishes that look like metal. You can't put them in the dryer, but purses don't get washed that often (if ever) so that shouldn't be a problem.