Color catchers

I decided to wash all of the baby quilts I have stacked up so they are ready to give as gifts or to sell. I always use Color Catchers when I wash a variety of colors. You can see the Catcher caught a lot of red runoff dead dye, but no dye was transferred to any of the other quilts. I washed another load after these. I use Orvus soap. Soap will clean the fibers, detergent will scrub the colors off the surface of the fabric. Orvus used to be sold as quilt soap at the quilt shops but I don't know if it is now or not. I buy mine at a farm supply store in big jars. Here is my new squirrel feeder. I wonder if the birds will have a chance at it. He couldn't decide if he liked eating this way
or upside down. A blue jay was scolding him this morning.

It is cold here this morning. Time to get out the cashmere/wool socks.
For the size of yesterday's block, I used 8-3/8" squares. If you are not really careful with your seam allowance, you may want to go with 8-1/2" and trim to 8" after you have sewn the diagonal seam. The block can be any size easily divisible by 4 and then add 3/8" to allow for seam allowances.