Two at a time

When I get all of my fabrics out and press them to get ready to cut, I usually have 2 quilts in mind that I will cut at the same time. Pressing out the fold marks isn't the most fun so why do it any more often than I have to. I started cutting yesterday's post's fabrics for my "all squares" quilt and decided to cut this one called "In and Out" by Blue Underground pattern company. I used the size of the big squares in this quilt as the size for my "all squares" quilt. I have seen this pattern done many times and liked it but I think this group is too high contrast in values to work very well. That might just make this into a baby quilt and be done with it. Meanwhile it was my instant gratification, get right to the sewing machine, therapy.

My mother's "video swallow" in Radiology went well. She is getting more confident about what she can eat. Now, one more appointment this afternoon and I think we might be done for the week. Since I have rarely been sick in the past, I didn't spend much time in Dr. offices. I have been driving my parents around for almost 4 and a half years and have read many books with all of the waiting room visits. That isn't all bad having forced reading time. I would just rather be in a less germy area.