Spring colors

Unfortunately my spring colors aren't outside. We had melting snow and muddy yards on Sunday and ever since it has been near or below freezing and we have patches of grass and ice. I will have to find all of my spring treats on my fabric shelves.

A friend gave me an assortment of fat quarters, on the left, and I have been adding fabrics from my collection to them for about a year. I think I am happy with what I have in the group, so now I have to decide on a pattern.
Here's another view with the fabrics spread out.
I am thinking that I may just make a quilt of squares. The simplest patterns show off the fabric more. I am always drawn to the quilts of just squares if the fabrics are interesting. I think I need a no brainer as we go to my mother's 3rd appointment this week (2 more to go, one tonight and one tomorrow). Indecision creates procrastination. I need to make a snap decision and create, for the relaxation and calm that happens when I sew.

We are supposed to have partial sun most of the days this week so that helps, and the weathermen are promising 40's and 50's next week. Dare we believe them?