A look back........2.....

This quilt has to be my favorite that I finished in 2010.  It is one of my most pinned photos on Pinterest.  Here is a post with another view of it too.  It actually doesn't have its binding on it in this photo and I couldn't find any photo of it with binding.  I used the same bright periwinkle blue that is the first border for the binding.

This is a small quilt also finished in 2010 with a hanging sleeve so it can be used as a wallhanging.  I just love it and I named it Celebration.  Here is a link to the post where it was finished.  That post has a link to this one and the other quilt with similar blocks and how different they came out.

Why the look back instead of what I did yesterday?  I am cleaning the basement for the art quilters Monday so I'll have a couple days of not accomplishing much except getting rid of the dust bunnies and finding the tops of all of the tables.  They have been buried pretty deep this month.

I wanted to get a better photo of the shaggy orange coneflower but we have had very little rain and the flowers are starting to dry up.

This was a newer bloom and I had to get down under it and shoot up to get a good photo.