Sewing again......

Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday about the daylight photos.  I ran out of time to answer everyone personally.

My company left at 7 a.m., a friend came over to use my design walls at 9:30 and I cut more squares for my colorwash kits, I mowed my front yard for the first time this spring, and then I did some laundry.  Last night was a TV night so I sewed some 2 triangle squares so I can continue making the star blocks.
While the clothes were in the dryer I laid out my first block.
I ended up with time to sew it.

I had time to layout a second block but was too tired to sew it.

A few days there  ago were just a few small plants of Lungwort/Pulmonaria but with almost an inch of rain Saturday night and then warm sunny days a bunch more popped up and they are really filling in the space.  You may have to click on the photo to enlarge to see all of the blooms.