My granddaughter's first quilt........

When my youngest granddaughter was about 9 she showed a lot of interest in sewing so I bought her a sewing machine.  She did a little sewing now and then over the next 11 years but now she is really interested in it.  We cut the 10" squares for her quilt a week ago and then Monday late afternoon she came over and pieced the top.  She got that done so quickly that we went right on to the quilting.
She had purchased fleece for the back and I had never used that before for a backing.  We decided on organic vertical lines on the quilt and she used my longarm for the very first time.

She finished it about 10:30....6 hours from start to finish.  It is for her boyfriend.  I am so proud of her for doing a good job on it and for sticking with it in such a long sewing session.  It is about 58" x 90".