This is the almost final layout. After I took this photo I changed one piece. If you look in the 5th horizontal row, piece 3 and piece 5 are the same. I just exchanged 5 and 6 to move them a little farther apart. The other half of the quilt is going to be identical to this since I have 4 blocks alike of every combination. I am making stacks for the second half and will sew that one first, then I'll sew the one on the design wall and one will get turned 180 degrees and they will be sewn together. This will reverse the pieces on the joining seam so I'm hoping it will look great. If you want to see the other variations go back to yesterday and the day before. The change from yesterday: I darkened the zig zag border corner pieces and tried to match colors somewhat. This gave me the lighter pieces to put in the diamonds for the sparkle (or shimmer).