Pairing the fabrics............

Last night I finished cutting the Marcia Derse scraps into Drunkard's Path pieces.  Then I paired the pieces and piled them to go to the sewing machine.  I now have plenty of mindless sewing parts between this project and the plaid/Kaffe triangle project.  I will turn on Netflix and sew, sew, sew.  Then there will some fun design wall time later in the week.

I went shopping with my granddaughter for lunch fixings and then stayed at her house for a few hours.  I grabbed a screwdriver and put most of the outlet covers and switch-plate covers on.  I couldn't get to a few of them because of all of the boxes that need to be unpacked.  The guys were working on the fence for the backyard.  There are 2 large dogs and a 2 year old that need boundaries. 

This afternoon is a baby shower so I won't have any finishes this month.  It has been so hot and humid that all of my good intentions for last week didn't materialize.  I will do a recap tomorrow of the quilt tops that I finished in July.