What's blooming......and growing..........

I am past the half way point of basting my wallhanging and I worked on the preemie layettes yesterday.  The rest of the day was spent on errands and weed pulling.  My Stella De Oro lilies are just starting to bloom and there are lots of buds.  There are 3 plants there.  I had a helper digging with me last year and she dug up part of the middle plant  when I wasn't watching her.
This is one of the hostas I split earlier this spring.  It is huge again, about 40" across.

These are the other 2 I split and the one on the left is about 40" across too.

The Red Penstemon are blooming with perennial geranium in the background.  The leaves on the one in the back garden are green.  It is in the shade all of the time where this one gets the east sun in the morning.

I can't ever remember the name of this ground cover but it is doing really well this year.  I cut all of the volunteer Redbud trees that were growing in there.