I hope it is not true.......

They say what you do on January 1st you will do all year.  Please tell me that I won't be cleaning my basement every day!  I have been wanting to tackle the fruit cellar for a long time.  This is looking to the left.  The shelves go all along that wall to the right.  It is 14 feet wide, the same as the bedroom above it.

There are lots of things in there that I don't need such as these trims from the 1960s.

I have gotten rid of a lot of my patterns but kept a select few.  This costume pattern was for my grandsons and they will be 25 in February and March.

On the upper shelf on the right I have my packaged batting.  If you look up in the rafters, that is the 4 long boards of an antique quilting frame.  It was removed from my in-laws' house when we emptied it in 1981.  I was the only quilter in the family so it came to my house.  I had hand quilted one quilt before this time period.
If you click on this photo of fabric you will see that it says Indian Head on it.  Indian Head cotton was a very nice quality cloth from the 1950-60s.  I'm not sure when it was discontinued.  I had a dress out of this print but still have 1 1/4+ yards of it.  It has been washed and is 34" wide.  Almost all fabric was 35 - 36" wide at that time.  Washing reduced this to 34".  I will vacuum the fruit cellar today and put my rolls of batting back in there after I cut some pieces to prepare for quilting a couple quilts.
My daughter sent me some yarn for Christmas.  This one is 60% Corn Viscose and 40% cotton.  It is very soft so I thought I would knit a scarf for myself.