November recap..........

I had one complete finish for November.  This is a variation of a quilt in a Kathy Doughty book.  One of her students made it with this setting and she posted it on her blog. I figured out the dimensions and made my version of it.  I think it finished at 67" x 74" but I didn't want to make another trip to the basement at midnight to measure it again.

I finished 2 quilt tops.  I had another TAW top almost done but it needs the border sewn on.  This one pictured is big enough without a border.

Three dishcloths are added to the pile.  The one on the right has 4 different yarns.  Two of them are tweedy, one with red and blue and the other with red and beige.  With these added I'm at 46 for the year so I will meet my goal of 48, 4 a month average, with the two I have already started.