Published again..........

Photo by Larry Sefton
I'm pretty sure this is the photo they used but I don't have a copy of the magazine yet.  Two people have sent me photos of the page in the magazine.  The back story on this quilt:  I made the quilt top in 2007.  In 2010 Julie Sefton contacted me and wondered if it was for sale.  We agreed on a price and I sent it to her.  She had it quilted beautifully by Chris Ballard.  In March this year I was contacted by Joen Wolfrom to see if she could use a photo of it in an article she was writing for "The Quilt Life", the magazine created by Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson and published by Meredith Schroeder (AQS).  I contacted Julie and asked if she could take some photos since the only one I had was before it was quilted.  Her husband Larry has quite a set up for taking photos so he was up for the task.  They sent me copies of all of the photos that they submitted.
Here is a photo of the page in the magazine that Julie took with her phone so I could see it.

If you don't know who Joen Wolfrom is, she is the ultimate expert on color and design and using it in quilts.  I have used her books in my classes many times as a  reference for use of color, value, etc.

I have most of Joen's books and actually met her many years ago at our quilt guild.  One of my books (Landscapes & Illusions 1990) is autographed.

Joen's newest book was released this year.  I'll do a review of the new book tomorrow so this post won't get too long.