All of the barometric weather changes in the last week have zapped my energy. I know we are in for a few more changes this week too. Yesterday I managed to get these blocks sewn together and up on the design wall. I was too tired to decide if this is the final layout so I'll look at them again this morning. There are 4 blocks of each of the fabric combinations and I have them in diagonal rows right now. I think they might need mixing up.
While watching the 10 p.m. news I started sewing the strips for the Twisted Rail quilt. I have 4 out of 12 sets sewn. I'm using 3" strips for this one.
While watching the 10 p.m. news I started sewing the strips for the Twisted Rail quilt. I have 4 out of 12 sets sewn. I'm using 3" strips for this one.