6 blocks.......

I had a goal of 6 blocks while I watched 3 TV shows and then the news last night.

I haven't looked for a strip fabric yet.  I finished reading my book and worked awhile in the basement instead.
This cactus has produced a bud back at a joint instead of at the end where all of the others have had their blooms.  This plant is a piece from my mother-in-law's plant given to me by my sister in law.  My other one got root rot one of those wet summers and it died before I could get a cutting off of it so I was really happy to have it replaced with this one.
A couple of 'no reply' bloggers have asked about patterns for the dishcloths.  I'm not intending to put them on my blog.  Some are purchased patterns, some shared by friends.  I have an email link in my profile and another on my right side bar so if you don't have a link for me to reply to you in your comment, please email me if you want an answer.