0 blocks.......

I don't know whether you will be able to see the difference in these 2 dark fabrics if you click to enlarge the photos.  The one on the left is a patterned black batik and the one on the right is a dark purple mottled batik.  I'm still looking for my black mottled batik.  I didn't get any new blocks sewn.  I worked in the basement while I did laundry and did some knitting.  Then my friends from Montana stopped by.  They are in town for their nephew's wedding this weekend.  It was so good to see them.  I gifted them the second quilt in this post.  I knew I was giving it to them as I finished it and was glad I didn't have to mail it.  It is more fun to gift them in person.
I finished this dishcloth.  I used the end of one ball of yarn and was disappointed when the next ball that I tied on was going to repeat the green stripe.  But then I have to keep this in perspective, this is for washing dishes and the dishes won't care.
I started another new one too.  It is the Old Maid's Puzzle as shown in orange in the book.