One more quilted..........

I wanted to quilt another easy one next.  This one is just a random pattern of a controlled group of fabrics so it was a perfect candidate for my wavy grid quilting.  It is 55" x 68".  This is one of the Stack and Slash quilts (you can see the construction posts if you click on Stack and Slash on my Label list on the right sidebar).  The backing fabric at the right in the photo is an old Alexander Henry fabric from the 1990s.  I used it on the back of another quilt too and now I have less than 1/4 yard of it left.  The remainder of the fabrics in the quilt are in the pile at the right and I'll choose the binding out of them.
I have one more color of cactus blooming.  The pale pink is really pretty, but then I say that about all of them don't I?
The results from my test Wed. were good and my eye surgical procedure will happen at the middle of the month.  The removal of the radioactive seeding will be 5 days later.  I hope the weather is good both days because it is an hour and a half drive.