And then there were 5........

I cut 6 more flannel star blocks but only got 3 of them sewn.  I think I remember now why I stopped making 8 point stars.  They are boring to assemble!  I have 3 different background fabrics in there now.  I really wanted to use up the snowman print so it will be in more blocks.
The dark print here is purple and black.  I'm trying to find another purple flannel in my collection to add too.  There are purple and a rose color in the black flannel prints and I thought those colors would give the quilt a little life. I haven't found a rose color flannel yet that isn't just too pink to work.  I have to go back down to the boxes and look again.  I think I will have 12 blocks in the quilt so I have 4 more to cut.
Last night I sewed on bindings while I watched TV.  On this one I used the same black background print as the partial cross in the photo.
On the pastel wonky log cabin I chose a beige print.  It isn't one of the ones in the quilt but it looks nice on there.  I'll start the hand sewing on one of them today.