A little quilting.......

This quilt has been laying on my sewing machine cabinet for about 6 weeks waiting for inspiration for the border quilting.  I had black thread on the machine from shortening a shirt so I tried random diagonal lines starting at the green/gold border and going to the edge.  I'll trim the (linty) batting and see if it lays flat.  If not I'll add a few more lines.
I have shown this quilt before but don't know any key words to search for it so I'll show it when it is done.  I loaded it on the long arm and only quilted the dark areas.  It has every color in the rainbow in the alternate areas and I want to ditch quilt them on my regular sewing machine.  I hope this works without any problems.
Before I left the basement I loaded the frog backing fabric for the frog Stack and Slash quilt that I started in May when I gave the workshop.