From one kind of cutting to the next.......

I finished the I Spy kits and now I'm on to the next cutting project for the Quilts of Valor projects.  One of the groups is using 2.5" squares so the last time I went to choose fabrics for kits I brought home a bunch to cut with my die cutter.  I like to cut the pieces to an easy to handle size for the die and then stack 10 pieces and cut.
Here are the rest of the fabrics to cut.  Most of the pieces I brought home (from donated fabric) are quarter and half yards.  I have to press them first so I did that while I watched some of the new season shows on TV.
Some of the trees are starting to change color.  I took this photo with my zoom lens from my kitchen window so it isn't real clear.  That may be because the window needs washing, but we won't go there.