Cable fixed, blooms, squares...........

I transplanted all of my cacti last week and look--- I have buds already!  I put the plants outside for the summer and bring them in right before the first frost.  Two years ago I rescued a bunch of them when W*lm*rt stopped watering them and was going to throw them out.  I suspected there were 2 plants in each pot because they were so crowded in the little pots.  So 10 cacti became 20 and the large one I bought last year at the end of the season had 3 plants in it.  Add that to the orange one a friend gave me and I have a lot of them.  I gave 2 away to the freecycler that got peony roots last week and gave 4 to my sister in law and niece yesterday.  I guess that still leaves me with 18 so I should have lots of blooms this year.
I cut some more squares for the quilts of valor from the donated fabric.  The piles are 1 3/4" tall so there are a lot packed into this box which I will hand off today to our leader.

The cable guy came yesterday and he determined that the signal was a little weak in my basement and he said ABC and WGN are on the same signal line so that is why both of them were affected with the interruptions.  He replaced my splitters and the cable leading into the garage.  He said my splitters (I had 2 and he reduced that to 1) were sending the weak signal because they weren't powerful enough.  They were from the early 1990s when the cable signal was a lot weaker.  I now have almost all new lines and fittings so I should be good for a few years.