Neat shelves, favorite mottle......

Yesterday I carried the batiks that I had finished cutting upstairs in my effort to clean up the basement.  This is what the pink, red, and purple shelves look like now that they have been neatly stacked again.  This does not keep me from using the fabrics.  I just take the whole stack off the shelf and go through it when I want a piece of that color and then it goes back neatly stacked again.  This is one of the few things I have control of at this point and it is very therapeutic.  I love going through the stacks and revisiting old friends.
Two of the shelves that I didn't pull fabrics from for the kits were the multicolors.  Today I took down the fabrics off one shelf and went through them.  This is one of my favorite mottled fabrics that was on it.  I neatly stacked them as I went through them so one more shelf is done.  The rest of the day was errands and cleaning.