Choosing, cutting, pretty plants.....

I'm up to 100 pc. cut and 4 more candidates waiting until this morning.
I decided to start building a colorwash out of what I already have cut and that will help me decide what needs to be cut next.  There are lots more needed between the blue and purple.  I could just cut 200 random pieces and hope they work but I would rather have 200 that have a pretty good chance as a starter kit.  I will pull rust, brown, and red today as well as looking for fill in pieces where I see gaps.
My neighbor and I decided I have a Philip Jacobs coleus.  If you aren't familiar with his fabric you could go to this site and see a few of them.
This is the whole plant in one of my mirror image pots that go in front of my garage.  This one was left in the sun more days and the other was dragged into the garage on the hottest days.
This is the one that took shelter in the garage and didn't suffer in the heat as much. They looked alike at the beginning of the season.