I should have known...

that I wouldn't have time to sew yesterday.  My art quilters group is coming Monday so I had to finish putting away the garage sale stuff because they come in that way to get to the basement.  Then I had to vacuum the basement and dust all of the tables.  I had put all of the machines on one table and put a plastic drop sheet over them while I was gone so I had to set up all of the machines too.  I was putting away all of the class samples and supplies and I don't think I showed this little piece after it was sewn together.  Maybe I'll decide on borders and finish it soon.
I finished reading "Spider Bones".  I was so close to the end that I had to keep going until it was done. 

I need to bake one batch of cookies early this morning while it is still cool.  I'm not sure when I'll do the second batch.  It will depend on the weather.