Getting my energy back.......

Even though it looked like I have been busy since I got home June 9th, I really have been dragging.  Too many long hours standing on a cement floor, plus the stress of flying.  I am just beginning to feel like my old self again.  I started another colorwash with regular quilting cottons (no batiks).  I think I may be building this one sideways on my design walls as I usually like the green at the bottom of my pieces.  I am low on squares of this type of fabric so I am cutting as I work on it.
Here is a link to the Alabama visitor that went to my show in NC.  She and her husband are really having a fun trip.

I just love this Coleus that is in my pots in front of the garage.  I saved cuttings of several varieties over the winter, just letting them root in water and I planted them in a pot in May.  I'll have to remember to get a cutting from this one before frost in the fall.