Last night I sewed the binding on 7 more mug rugs and the strangest thing happened. I was winding a bobbin and my clear plastic 1/4" foot that sits on top of the machine near the bobbin winder went flying across the room. I guess the thread grabbed it and hurled it. Since it is very lightweight and clear, I don't know if I'll ever find it. It had an area about 11' x 13' to get lost in. I heard it hit something and bounce and didn't hear it land again so I'm guessing it is in a pile or bin of fabric. I started clearing off the top of the cutting table and I went through the wastebasket. I love that foot and don't think it is available any more for my Pfaff. This is going to force me to really deep clean the studio and go through everything. Oh, joy, just what I wanted to be doing!