When I mentioned the clear plastic quarter inch foot that flew across my studio yesterday, you probably envisioned some nice neat piles of fabric that it could have landed on. Kay had the suggestion to use a flashlight in a darkened room and the foot would shine and I would find it. Well, here's the reality- the mess on the top of my cutting table and all kinds open shelves and bins under it - lots of hiding places.
Most of the bins and shelves have multiple plastic bags with sorted groups of scraps in them, so the plastic bags were the shine, but no foot.
Now I am wondering whether it flew into one of the openings on the baseboard heaters. I'll check those today although it could fall farther down inside and not be visible too.
I did find a few things I could throw away, and some things are where they actually belong now. The cutting mat is in clear view now and I can use it. Here is one of the things I decided I can get rid of - 1/4" wide trimmings, so pretty but not very useful. They have been on top of my cutting table for at least 3 years.